Code of
Conduct and Ethics
We are committed to operating our businesses conforming to the highest moral and ethical standards.
Committed to the highest levels of corporate governance & Ethics
Company Core Values
Ajna Holdings is committed to the highest levels of moral and ethical standards in running its business. Our policies and business guidelines are created to ensure the highest levels of personal and corporate integrity.
Corporate Citizenzhip
We are committed to good corporate citizenship. We treat social development activities which benefit the communities in which we operate as an integral part of our business plan.
Employee Philosophy
Our employee philosophy and guidelines are focused on creating a fair, equitable, transparent workplace and that rewards merit, competence and potential. We value diversity and promote an open work culture.
Economic Development
We seek to contribute to the economic development of the communities of the countries and regions we operate in, while respecting their culture, norms and heritage. We seek to avoid any project or activity that is detrimental to the wider interests of the communities in which we operate.
Customer Philosophy
When representing our company, we shall act with professionalism, honesty and integrity, and conform to the highest moral and ethical standards.
Commitment to Stakeholders
We shall strive to balance the interests of our stakeholders, treating each of them fairly and avoiding unfair discrimination of any kind. The statements that we make to our stakeholders shall be truthful and made in good faith.
Click on button below for our Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy